What a morning! My bus route went smoothly. I also had the opportunity to spend some time with a gentleman from one of my churches who can’t get out to church any longer. That was all great but I had truck issues getting to his home and part of the way back home. I called out for Your help, Father, and You got me home safely. Praise Your Holy Name!
Mark 4:30-34 (<<click to read the passage)
Many followers of Christ feel they are not that special. They feel that they are just one amongst the multitude and have little impact. But, if you really think about it when we all work together for the glory of God under His umbrella, we can accomplish great things. We are far from insignificant when joined together.
Since we have had snow today, my mind goes to snow! By itself, a snowflake is pretty small. But put a bunch together and you can bring a pretty large geographic area to their knees. Add wind to the mixture and you might even get a blizzard and even more havoc is wreaked upon the populace.
We may be small. We may think of ourselves as being the size of a mustard seed, even. But joined together for the common cause of God’s Kingdom with the wind of the Spirit driving us along and great impact can be made!
Don’t give up! Every one of God’s children plays an important part in advancing God’s will upon the earth. We all have a part to play, rather big or small in our own eyes. God’s will will be accomplished “on earth as it is in heaven”! (Matthew 6:9-13)
Working together, being a blizzard for Christ – if you will, we can bring the world to its knees as it comes to acknowledge our almighty God and Savior!

Mar 5th, 2019, Tues, 12:30 pm