Father, this should prove to be an interesting day. I brought Highland students to the Academic Challenge in Mansfield. Thank You for a safe trip up, May they think clearly and shake out all of their jitters. Thank You for the gifts You have given us all.

Mark 6:7-13 (<<click to read the passage)

“…if any place refuses to welcome you or listen to you, shake its dust from your feet as you leave to show that you have abandoned those people to their fate.” v11

Hmmmm…makes me think. How is this applicable today? Was this Jesus’ intent for just that time frame or does it apply for all of time while time is still in existence? To what exactly does it apply?

First of all, let’s look at verse 12, from the Amplified Bible.

So they went out and preached that men should repent [that is, think differently, recognize sin, turn away from it, and live changed lives].

I don’t know why they do, but old adages, proverbs, and colloquialisms pop in my head all the time! I think this one seems to fit here. “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.” That one has been around for a long time. It was recorded as early as 1175 in Old English Homilies.

But the mindsets that go with it have been around since the beginning of time. The first brothers, Cain and Able, had the same upbringing yet one chose what was right and though the other was led to water, he couldn’t be made to drink.

So, how does that apply to Mark 6:11? I honestly don’t think we should ever give up on reaching out to unbelieving friends, family and those we don’t know, as well. But we cannot make them believe. It is totally their choice. We have the responsibility to get the water – the Living Water, mind you – to as many as we can. If anything, constantly throwing water in the faces of those who don’t want it may cause them to refuse it even more adamantly.

So, if the water we offer is rejected we are called to shake the dust off our feet and move on. It won’t hurt to swing back around again at some point and try again. That first offer just might make them thirsty the next time around!

Lord Jesus, help us to whet the appetites of those who need You just as we need You. Amen.

Mar 21st, 2019, Thurs, 9:31 am