It seems strange in that it came to mind while on my morning route but, Father, peace is the word. I begin my route before sunrise and as I move along bit by bit the sun breaks the horizon. And to me, it signals peace, a new slate with which to start – everything is new. Thank You, Father, for a fresh start each day.


One thing that I think that unbelievers think about believers is that our lives are totally encased in the church and that our faith may not really apply to other areas of our lives.

As I was reading through some of the things about George Müller, yesterday, I came across a very interesting quote.

At his wife Mary’s funeral, Müller’s loving words also represent a good example of the joy God gives when ministry and family priorities are balanced:

Were we happy? Verily we were.

With every year our happiness increased more and more. I never saw my beloved wife at any time, when I met her unexpectantly anywhere in Bristol, England, without being delighted so to do. Day by day, as we met in our dressing room, at the Orphan Houses, to wash our hands before dinner and tea, I was delighted to meet her, and she was equally pleased to see me. Thousands of times I told her, “My darling, I never saw you at any time, since you became my wife, without my being delighted to see you.”

I dearly love my wife, Karen! And I would not hesitate for a moment to say the same thing in regards to her!

Last month she was on bus duty – basically, she stood at the doors exiting the building to the lot where all the kids get on their buses to go home making sure they were doing what they were supposed to be doing. Anyway, there was not a single instance that my heart didn’t skip a beat when I saw her step outside those doors!

When I come home after my route, no matter what else is going on, we share a hug and a kiss!

I love just being with her! I like to run around with her. I like to eat with her. I like to shop with her! I love it when she can go on hospital calls with me! I even like to buy groceries with her! Now obviously those are not all fun and exciting things to do but the idea is we get to do them together!

God has truly blessed me with a soul-companion – a help-mate beyond my wildest dreams! I do not know what the future may hold for us but I will truly cherish every moment that we may have together!

Lord Jesus, I pray for the many couples who may read this post today. May our love go ever deeper, ever wider. May our love for one another be a true extension of Your love for us! May we have a love that sticks out from all the other loves around us! May it be genuine and real! Amen.

Apr 3rd, 2019, Wed, 11:20 am