A wonderful weekend of celebrating birthdays with family and friends – from 2 to 90! Thank You, Father, for opportunities to come together and enjoy the wonderful parts of life! Bless both of these ladies!

Mark 6:53-56 (<<click to read the passage)

It makes you think. Just in this short passage of Scripture many people’s lives were changed. In fact, it explicitly states that all who touched him literally touched the fringe of his robewere healed. v56

Clearly, Jesus had the power. He could do absolutely anything with that power that He desired. And wouldn’t you think that there would have to have been a modicum of faith for their healing to take place?

But here is what makes me think. All these people, who came into physical contact with Jesus, they saw him (even if at first there were blind!) They touched him! They experienced Emmanuel – God with us! But…and it is worthy of pause…did they allow Him to do anything more than have a physical impact upon them? Or did they just grab and go? They got what they wanted and they didn’t need Him any longer.

We have the living Lord at our disposal 24/7/365. There is no one, nowhere, at no time that cannot call upon the Lord and they will be saved. But what do we do after that contact? Do we move on? Do we just take what we got and forget what He has done for us…the life-changing things that He does for all of us!?

I would hope that some didn’t just take off with the gift of life that they had received but that there must have been some that followed…some, who believed. Because there is so much more to a relationship with Jesus than those gifts that we place such a high value on. Vision, speaking, walking, no disease, no blood issues…being healed from all that ails is wonderful! But knowing the Healer, now there is the true blessing. Because at some point these fragile jars of clay in which we live can no longer be fixed. Eventually, they cease to exist. And then what?

Matthew, in his Gospel, quotes Jesus as saying,

“Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.” Matthew 6:19-21

Prepare for the eternal…don’t settle for the here and now.

April 7th, 2019, Sun, 5:29 pm