Sometimes, Father, I struggle what to say as we come together and feel that I repeat myself a lot. But I realize if it was just a regular “Good Morning!” that it would not bother You one bit. You are just pleased that we are together. Thank You, Father, for loving me!
A couple of weeks ago some locals took down an old barn. I think they salvaged what they could and then put what was left into a pile and set it on fire. Interestingly enough, it is still smoldering! When I drive by it, smoke is still rising from its core. I see no flame but at its heart, it is still burning.
How often in our lives do we do the same? Anger… hurt… pain… hurt feelings… disappointment? The initial “fire” has gone out – maybe even years ago! – but in our heart, it still burns.
I have been hurt in my past – haven’t we all? Things – unpleasant things – have happened to me that have literally changed the direction of my life. People have said and done things that were out of line, at least from my perspective. Sometimes it was with my best interests in mind and other times only their interests mattered. I cannot help but remember them but I have let them go long ago. I had to.
Renowned Christian author, ethicist, and theologian, Lewis B. Smedes said, “To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.”
Lord Jesus, help us to not allow old feelings of hurt and pain to continue to smolder in our hearts. May we set the prisoner free through Your work in our lives. May we cling to Apostle Paul’s words to the church of Galatia. Amen.
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1 NIV

Apr 10th, 2019, Wed, 11:14 am