What a faithful God You are, Father! I could accomplish little if it were not for Your being by my side. I am weak, You are strong! I am blessed!
Mark 8:1-10 (<<click to read the passage)
Many years ago, in my youth, I traveled with a ministry team of the then Mt. Vernon Nazarene College. We were all poor students with not much money in our pockets. One time, if I remember correctly, we were headed home and hadn’t eaten, so we stopped by a McDonald’s to grab a quick bite. Well, back in the 80’s it was a pretty inexpensive place to eat but one of the girls in the group had no money at all. And the rest of us had just enough to get us a small meal – and no money to spare.
I felt bad for her and prayed that God would help her out. Believe it or not, they had the McDonald’s peel off contest way back then and lo-and-behold I scratched off a free cheeseburger! It wasn’t much but I truly felt it was an answer to my prayer and I gave it to my friend so that she, too, could eat.
I’ve never forgotten that incident. You may scoff and think to yourselves, “Really? God answered that little-to-nothing prayer with a cheeseburger? Give me a break!” But He did!
I believe without a doubt that God, the Creator, and Maintainer of the cosmos, cared enough about one of His children that He provided a peel off game sticker at a McDonald’s so she could eat! My Life Application Study Bible states, “Nothing is too large for him to handle and no need too small to escape his interest.”
In today’s passage, this is round two for Jesus in doing the impossible my feeding 4,000 this time with seven loaves and a few small fish. Just a short time before this they may have brought Him to exasperation, and surely, we must bring Him to that point regularly, too, but He never stops loving us! His love has no end!
In Jeremiah 31:3 AMP God said to Israel but He also says to us,
“I have loved you with an everlasting love;
Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you and continued My faithfulness to you.”

Apr 22nd, 2019, Mon, 5:51 pm