Variety is Your specialty, Father. Stormy this morning, with lightning, some rain, and gusty winds and now sunny and breezy! Never a dull moment! Thank You for Your abundant blessings!

Mark 9:38-41 (<<click to read the passage)

There are only a few verses in this passage but the first had a message and the last do as well!

A cup of cold water – or in today’s vernacular, a bottle of cold water – doesn’t seem to be a big deal. Now I realize that if you did it in the middle of a blazing hot desert it would be but I don’t think that’s the point. I truly believe that Jesus was stressing whatever we do – no matter how small – is significant as we minister His love to one another. In essence, when we do so we are ministering to Him.

As believers we put a lot of emphasis on sins of commission, that is the sins that we commit in what we say and do and think – and rightly so. We must strive each and every day to not do what we shouldn’t do. It’s not easy but extremely important!

An area that is less emphasized is the area of sins of omission, that is sins we commit when we don’t say and do and think the things we should. This is a little more difficult to pinpoint on our checkoff lists! Even now trying to think of some examples I’m having to ponder a bit.

Here’s one – you’re with a group of people, friends even, and the course of conversation goes into off-color jokes or stories. We may feel uncomfortable but should we perhaps say something? Should we excuse ourselves? If the Lord is prompting us to take a stand, do we? We don’t necessarily have to make a stink about it but it may be one more way for others to see that we are set apart. We have a higher standard which we live by. Again, holier-than-thou attitudes can have an adverse effect but if we respond in love, you never know who will be impacted.

Or how about the times we find ourselves face-to-face with someone who we can see has a need and we hesitate to act. What if it is a ruse? What if they are just taking advantage of me? Our culture seems to be full of individuals who do just that but what about that one person who isn’t doing that? They may not even be putting themselves out there as needing help but you feel a tug at your heart to do something? If the Lord is prompting us to do something, no matter how small, do we?

Lord Jesus, I would ask for a discerning spirit. May I realize when You are prompting me to extend a bottle of cold water in Your name. And even if I am embarrassed or taken advantage of, that it would all be for the good because it is done as a gift to You. Amen.

May 23rd, 2019, Thurs, 12:24 pm