What a storm we had last night! And Father Your glory was mightily displayed! Lightning blazed throughout the clouds – what a sight to behold! We also had enough rain to fill our rain gauge – 5 inches! We’ve never seen that at home before. It was pretty crazy but not a lot of damage and nothing that can’t be fixed. Thank You for Your watchcare over us through the night!

Mark 12:18-27 (<<click to read the passage)

I AM…not I WAS!

One of the greatest travesties of our world is that so many don’t think twice about there being a God. For many, they are a god unto ourselves with the mindset that if they get anywhere in this life it is up to them. There is no need for any supreme being! …or so they think!

But look at where that has gotten us! Our world is replete with violence and hate. We have the mentality that we have to look out for number one – and that is us! Now, of course, some don’t live their lives that way but in the big picture many more care only for themselves and if they can get away with it, they don’t care for anyone else.

Unfortunately, even amongst those who hold themselves to be followers of Christ this mindset is rampant. “I’ll go to church. I’ll give enough to say I’ve given. But don’t expect anything else! I’m busy. There are more important things that I need to accomplish than this…this…stuff!”

We live as though we follow a God who WAS…

I proclaim today that the only way He is a God who WAS, is if He used to mean something to us…but does so no longer. We follow, and do so reluctantly, with the sole purpose of using our “relationship” (if we can even really call it that) as a “get out of Hell free” card.

But truly, truly I say to you, He most assuredly is an I AM God! He is a vibrant, living God who is all out for us! He yearns for us to love Him, for he most assuredly loves us! He will never make us love Him or guilt us into loving Him. His love is genuine and ours must be as well.

And regrettably, that is a big part of the world’s problem! We don’t live the reality of having a relationship – a real relationship – with the I AM God. The Old Testament prophet Joel proclaimed, “But everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (Joel 2:32)

That is a statement of truth but the Apostle Paul asks in Romans 10:14,

But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?

Lord Jesus, help us take to heart that You are the I AM God! Give us an insatiable desire to tell this Good News so the world may hear, that they may believe and be saved when they call on Your name! Amen!

July 3rd, 2019, Wed, 6:38 pm