Another productive day! Thank You, Father, for the opportunity to spend time and help my dad out with some projects. I cherish our time together – bless and keep him and my mom safe in Your hands. Amen.
Mark 13:34-37 (<<click to read the passage)
Before I leave this chapter, I feel that I need to address one more thing. We need to be ready for that inevitable day but a phrase that grabbed my attention from my study Bible* notes states that we must be morally alert. That is at the very heart of our readiness.
In a conversation with my dad (who, by the way, is a “retired” full-time servant of the Lord – retired meaning he doesn’t receive a salary anymore from his church but he’s still a full-time servant of the Lord!) Anyway, yesterday he mentioned the fact that he thinks we will be surprised at some of the people who will be in Heaven.
He shared several examples of people whom he expected to see in Heaven that many “churchy” types might be surprised about. Just ask my mom, my dad has never met a stranger! He regularly attends a weekly men’s gathering at a local Biblically-based drug addict rehabilitation home and he has interacted many times with neighbors of theirs from all walks of life.
Now we are talking individuals who don’t meet the “normal” description of what we would call a believer in Jesus. Their language is coarse (putting it mildly), their personalities are rough, they might be covered in a variety of ink, and some may still struggle with vices that many would see as “unacceptable” but God has touched them! God loves them right where they are – not when they get their acts together and become little “cookie-cutter” Christians just like everyone else.
Regardless of what we like to think, none of us are exactly where we need to be in our relationship with God. Some of us may be a little closer than others but, if asked, they probably wouldn’t agree.
We are all growing. And we need to be constantly seeking to follow the commands set forth in God’s Word. We must be striving to spend time with Him daily not just hearing ourselves talk but listening attentively, to His direction!
Lord Jesus, may we be morally alert as we await Your coming. May we diligently seek to reach out and touch whomever You have to cross our paths. May we see others with Your eyes – eyes filled with truth, not eyes cloudy with unrealistic expectations. May we be filled with love and compassion that are from Your unquenchable reserve! Amen!

July 17th, 2019, Thurs, 8:50 pm

*Life Application Study Bible New Living Translation