What a day, Father! Good interactions, burdensome news, productive worship preparation, celebratory invitations, and sweet time with my favorite girl. I am so blessed to be where You have me! And You can use me in all circumstances.

“Hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of Thy hand; keep me safe ‘til the storm passes by.” – Mosie Lister, 1958


Though there have been many good things about today, the burdensome news has been just that…burdensome. It has truly been weighing on my heart. It started yesterday and continued to build today. It only affects me indirectly but someone who I hold in high regard is in the midst of it.

My struggle with it all is that our society has overwhelmingly become a society of finger pointers. And it is not just discreet pointing with whispers uttered behind covering hands. We are all about yelling and accusing and blaming and shaming (a whole new twist to an old disgusting habit).

I strive to use Social Media for good – I share insights, humor and the beauty of God’s creation. But for many, it is a weapon to maim and hurt.

But it goes far beyond that medium and reaches from the heights of power to the depths of mediocrity. It really shouldn’t surprise me but a good part of our culture is as ungodly as all get out. (We serve ourselves and ourselves only!) But boy, are we quick to point out other’s faults. We are aghast that people would do the things they do. But of course, we are innocent! We are in no way guilty of any wrongdoing! (Insert sound of rejection buzzer!) We are all guilty!

For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Romans 3:23 (NLT)

As these thoughts have been going through my mind the last couple of days. First of all, I remember being told as a child that when you point your accusatory finger at someone that we cannot forget that we have three other fingers pointing back at us!

And then the story of the woman caught in adultery and brought before Jesus comes to mind. The Law of Moses called for the guilty parties to be stoned to death (note not just the woman but the man was guilty, but it was all an attempt to get Jesus in trouble). But Jesus was the Author of the Law, and his response?

“…let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!” John 8:7 (NLT) (See Romans 3:23 above)

I sure wouldn’t be able to stand in that line. And that is why in this story, no one else could either.

Lord Jesus, help us, right now, to set our minds to the good! May we quit accusing and begin loving – not in the shallow way of humanity but in a genuine way. May we love the way we have been loved by a perfect, holy God. Enable us to make a difference in Your world!

Aug 20th, 2019, Tues, 7:56 pm