It is unseasonably warm but Father, regardless, it is beautiful outside! It is encouraging to know that You are still in charge and that what You have set into motion no man can control! Praise the name of our Sovereign, Almighty God!
Luke 1:5-6 (<<click to read the passage)
It is interesting to me that both Zechariah and Elizabeth were able to trace their family line all the way back to the origins of the nation of Israel. Zechariah would have been a Levite – a descendant of Levi, one of the 12 sons of Jacob (whom God called Israel), and Elizabeth was a direct descendant of Aaron -the brother of Moses and the very first high priest of Israel. What a heritage! And they were able to connect themselves despite factions and wars and captivity over the centuries that had transpired!
Now that is pretty cool but even greater was the fact that both “Zechariah and Elizabeth were righteous in God’s eyes, careful to obey all of the Lord’s commandments and regulations.” v6
Now that is definitely a tall order to fill! At least in my interaction with others – speaking nothing of my own issues – that was quite the accomplishment!
Let me make it very clear…I have mentioned before that I am a third-generation minister of the Gospel on both sides of my family. Did that mean that I was “grandfathered” in, as such? No. Way. Not a single one of us gets to ride on the shirttails of our predecessors. We must each, individually, get ourselves straight with God. I, alone, am accountable for what I do with God in my life. When I stand before God on that final judgment day, I will not be able to say, “Well, my father and his father before him, were devout followers of You, God, so I didn’t worry about it because it was just passed along to me.”
If I did that, He would say to me, “I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God’s laws.” (Matthew 7:23 NLT)
There is a great cancer in our society and it is the problem of taking responsibility for our own actions. It is never our fault, someone else’s and we gladly take the benefits of our connections whether we have done anything to earn them or not. That, my friends, is the world’s way…not God’s way.
I am responsible for my actions. I am responsible for my decisions. I, alone, will be held accountable for those things at the end of time.
Lord Jesus, help us to see ourselves for who we really are. And when we see that truth, may we then place our trust in You and You alone. Amen.

Oct 1st, 2019, Tues, 12:25 pm