Sundays are always full days, Father. They are full of You and full of many things. At this point, the day is fading and so am I. May this time be filled with You so it is rich and full, as well. Amen.
Luke 3:7-9 (<<click to read the passage)
So, when last we were together, Lord, we spoke of how important it is to …produce fruit that is worthy of [and consistent with our] repentance [that is, live changed lives, turn from sin and seek God and His righteousness].
If we are going to be a part of You impacting the world then we have to bring ourselves alongside You. We must diligently seek to look at the world through Your eyes…with Your heart. And, what we all really need is an overwhelming outpouring of Your Holy Spirit!
Often, I think we overthink what we need to be for You to use us. We think we have to be super Christians and have it all together. But if we look at the disciples pre-Pentecost and post-Pentecost – after the Holy Spirit had come upon them in power! – they were the same people but all the barriers they had had been dropped! They didn’t question, they just did! And lives were impacted – 3,000 on the first day alone! (Acts 2:41)
The world today looks different today but people are the same as they have always been. Some have found Jesus and are living in the freedom that He brings us but many, many others have not. They are missing something in their lives and each day they try to find that “something”.
There is a space in their lives that can only be filled with Jesus and everything else that is put it that space doesn’t fit. It leaves us wanting more. Oh, it may satisfy for a time but over time we begin to search for that “something” all over again – it’s a vicious, never-ending cycle!
We have a responsibility. We must share what we know about that “something” and in reality, it is a “Someone”! But we fear rejection. We fear retaliation. Those fears are not necessarily unfounded but many times they are totally unfounded!
People are literally dying to know Jesus! I know people who don’t know Him…we all do.
An old hymn comes to mind and it states something that seems to have gone by the wayside in our reaching the lost. People are lost…they are perishing…they are dying and Jesus uses us to bring them to safety. Fanny Crosby wrote this in 1869 and the message still rings clear!

Rescue the perishing, care for the dying,
Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave;
Weep o’er the erring one, lift up the fallen,
Tell them of Jesus, the mighty to save.

Lord Jesus, burden our hearts with what burdens Yours. Light the fire in our hearts that we may go out into the world for You and Your Kingdom! Amen!

*If you would can to read it, here is the story of how Fanny came to write this hymn.

Nov 17th, 2019, Sun, 4:55 pm