What a beautiful last couple of days, Father! Even in this time of year where there is not much visible life, I am still moved to give You praise for the intricacy of Your creation! With foliage at its max, one can’t really see what lies on the floor of the woodlands or through the woodlands, but now all is laid bare. It is an interesting view into the previously unseen.


Along that train of thought, I couldn’t help but notice the multitude of barren trees along the many highways and byways of my route this morning. If there were leaves present (and those trees were few and far between) they were brown and void of life.

As I pondered, the trees reminded me of humanity…specifically of those without the Lord Jesus Christ in their lives. All of us, like trees, exist because of the mighty hand of our Creator God. Each of us, at the core, has life within us – a spiritual life. But for many, that life is dormant. Until that life is brought out by our Creator, we are barren.

If trees could talk, don’t you think they would tell us that they may be dormant and barren now…but in their heart of hearts, they know that spring is coming. And with its arrival, they will be dormant and barren no more! They will enshroud themselves with lush foliage, beautiful to behold! Some similar in their beauty but not one single tree like another. They will proclaim God’s glory for they are what they were made to be, perfect in every way!

While trees may follow their Creator’s directive for life, we, on the other hand, have the ability to choose what we allow to happen to us. I have chosen His touch upon my life to no longer be dormant and barren but sadly, many others do not do the same. Instead, they try all kinds of things to find life but nothing works. Our world says, “Try this! Try that!” But to no avail. Only the touch of our Creator can bring life. Only He can enable us to enshroud ourselves with His love and the endless beauty it brings!

Lord Jesus, help us all to realize that only You can bring the grandest of our hopes and dreams to life. We find true fulfillment in You when we proclaim Your glory by becoming what we were made to be, perfect in every way! Amen!

He who has the Son [by accepting Him as Lord and Savior] has the life [that is eternal]; he who does not have the Son of God [by personal faith] does not have the life. 1 John 5:12 (AMP)

Jan 7th, 2020, Tues, 12:31 pm