This week is quickly rolling to a close with a full weekend ahead, Father. As our time with Massey wraps up may we make the most of it. May Your hand be upon the wedding about to transpire. And may all parties involved find a hedge of protection around them as we come together and then return to our homes. Amen.

Luke 4:42-44 (<<click to read the passage)

Reading the notes associated with these verses in my Life Application Study Bible (NLT) I came across a sentence written in regards to Jesus’ proclamation that He “must preach the Good News”. It states, “It is Good News for us…because it means freedom from slavery to sin and selfishness.”

I got to thinking if I had written that line, I probably would have not thought to include the word “selfishness”. But it sure fits, doesn’t it? We would all admit that sin enslaves us but think about it, doesn’t selfishness enslave us, as well?

What is one of the first things as toddlers that we have to be taught? We have to be instructed to share. It doesn’t come naturally. It is not automatically encoded into our DNA. We are selfish right from the get-go – no education needed. “My toys! My book! My food!”

And unfortunately, we do not outgrow it. Someone getting in line in front of you isn’t just taboo in grade school! How many of us have our tempers flare when someone squeezes in from of us in heavy traffic? “It’s not fair! I merged over when I was told to! I was here first! You cheated!”

What is the Golden Rule?

“Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets.” Matthew 7:12 NLT

What is the greatest commandment and what is second?

“‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” Matthew 22:36-39 NLT

What is the opposite of selfishness? Love. We don’t take. We don’t hoard. We give. We place ourselves last and others first.

And what does Scripture tell us about God?

Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love.
God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.
Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other. No one has ever seen God. But if we love each other, God lives in us, and his love is brought to full expression in us. 1 John 4:7-12 (NLT)

Lord Jesus, may we – this day – truly embrace Your Good News! Amen.!

Jan 9th, 2020, Thurs, 1:13 pm