Father, I am glad that You are with me. I am sitting on my bus waiting…and it is just You and me. It is quiet. Bless our time together. Amen.


So, looking at my picture what do you see? A road? Trees? Snow? A yellow road sign in the distance? Do you see the image of a warrior? I see him every day I drive my bus. Look a little closer. He reminds me of a Native American warrior, standing proud. He is facing the right. His profile is strong. There are two feathers hanging from the back of his head – only a chieftain, a warrior or a brave was allowed to wear feathers. It was an honor to do so and reflected a brave act on their behalf.

How many times is something right before our eyes and we can’t see it? Where I live there are a lot of hunters. A running joke is a guy who can spot a deer in the woods from a fair piece off with nothing but brown leaves on the ground and barren trees all around but can’t find a bottle of ketchup in plain sight on the inside of the refrigerator door!

How often does our loving Father set before us something that will enrich our lives but for whatever reason we can’t see the ketchup for the mayo! Our God is not a distant God. As one belief system would have us believe, He did not just create the world, as one would make a watch, and leave it to run on its own accord until one day it just stops running.’

No, our God – the God of all creation! – is very much a part of our world – His creation! And we are a very important part of that creation – His crowning achievement! He loves us and His greatest desire is for us to interact with Him in the most intimate of relationships. He understands us more than we understand ourselves and He wants us to know Him more and more, as well.

He is an active part of our lives…though often we do not see Him at work. He is right there in front of us! Directing, guiding, pointing out, trying to get our attention, pulling all the stops out in an attempt to open our eyes to what is before us.

Maybe it is someone who needs a listening ear or someone who desperately needs someone to lean upon or someone who just needs to be accepted no matter where life finds them.

Maybe it is something beautiful amidst the chaos and destruction that life often leaves in its wake -and He has placed it there to give us hope!

Maybe it is the simple fact that we are important to Him, no matter how much the world makes us feel small and insignificant – their vote doesn’t count!

God is at work all around us, we just need to look…and our eyes will be opened!

Jan 28th, 2020, Tues, 10:41 am