Father, thank You for safe runs this morning, for an enjoyable lunch with my wife, and a productive day between my routes – answers to prayer!

Luke 6:17-19 (<<click to read the passage)

Reading through this passage I am trying to get a picture in my mind of what it would have been like to be with Jesus. The physical aspect of it alone makes me think of footage I have seen of Elvis Presley or the Beatles at the height of their fame being mobbed by their fans. I’m sure there were people pushing in from every side trying to see or touch Him. People trying to see would be pressing enough but literally the attempts to touch Him would have been crazy! He was one man. I think it would have been hard to breathe even!

It must have been wild, but would we have done any different? Think of all the people you know who are sick or dying. Wouldn’t we all do whatever it took to have them healed if we could do so?

Early on in the Gospels Jesus asked individuals not to share what He had done (most recently Luke 5:14) but to no avail. Word spread like wildfire! Here’s what my Life Application Study Bible has to say about Him being swarmed like He was here in today’s passage.

For many, he had become a magician or a symbol of good fortune. Instead of desiring God’s pardon and love, they only wanted physical healing or a chance to see spectacular events. Some people still see God as a cosmic magician and consider prayer as a way to get God to do his tricks. But God is not a magician – he is the Master. Prayer is not a way for us to control God; it is a way for us to put ourselves under his control

It makes you stop and think. God’s greatest desire is to have a relationship with each of us. Not just some overlord/servant kind of thing but a real, deep, loving, passionate, intimate, know-everything-about-each-other kind of relationship. And I for one am so grateful that He stays after us. He never gives up! …even when I fail Him. …even when I forget about Him.

Back in 1986, one of my favorite Christian artists, Larnelle Harris released this song. I think it’s fitting to close with it.

♪♫♪ I Miss My Time with You ♫♪♫

There he was just waiting,
in our old familiar place
an empty spot beside him,
where once I used to wait
to be filled with strength and wisdom
for the battles of the day
I would have passed him by again
but I clearly heard him say


I miss my time with you
those moments together
I need to be with you each day
and it hurts me when you say
you’re too busy
busy trying to serve me
but how can you serve me
when your spirit’s empty
there’s a longing in my heart
wanting more than just a part of you
it’s true
I miss my time with you

What will I have to offer
how can I truly care?
my efforts have no meaning
when your presence isn’t there
but you’ll provide the power
if I take time to pray
I’ll stay right here beside you
and you will never have to say.

(chorus repeats)

Feb 4th, 2020, Tues, 1:09 pm