What a full weekend it has been, Father. And as always You have been in the middle of it all. Thank You for blessings of home and worship. Thank You for Your blessing of love, both Yours and the one You have given me to share my life. Continue to watch over us. May we be the children we need to be in all of our endeavors. Amen.

Luke 10:21-24 (<<click to read the passage)

When you picture Jesus in your mind, what do you see? Is He somber? Sad? Stern? Serious? Does He have a furrowed brow? Does He have a displeased countenance?

Yes, those may apply but please do not let your mind get stuck in that rut of thought! Please know that we all reflect God in our reactions to others and life itself – for we are all created in His image. Yes, we can be somber and sad, we can be stern and serious We can have furrowed brows and be displeased with people and things around us. But we also smile and laugh! We rejoice! We are filled with pride (in the good kind of way) at our accomplishments and the accomplishments of others near and dear to our hearts, as well.

In the first phrase of this verse it is said of Jesus that He was filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit.

What would it have been like to see Jesus smile – especially if He was smiling at you? A loving, accepting, knowing smile. A smile replete with joy and pride, knowing that at that moment there was no place He would rather be than with you.

Can you even begin to imagine what it must have been like to hear Jesus laugh? At least for me that takes a little more thought and concentration. I would think His laugh would have been full and rich and He would not have just laughed with His mouth. I feel that His joy would have radiated through His eyes as well. His joy for life. His love for those near and dear to His heart would have just poured forth!

Do you think that Jesus may have laughed when He said these words?

“I praise You, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things [relating to salvation] from the wise and intelligent, and have revealed them to infants [the childlike and untaught]. Yes, Father, for this way was [Your gracious will and choice, and was] well-pleasing in Your sight. v21 (AMP)

His disciples had returned and were so excited to share with Him all they had accomplished! Their joy overflowed and he, in turn, rejoiced with them.

Please understand that when it comes to us and Jesus, that, as some have said, we are all on even ground at the foot of the cross. My Life Application Study Bible puts it so well.

Many of life’s rewards seem to go to the intelligent, the rich, the good looking, or the powerful, but the Kingdom of God is equally available to all regardless of position of abilities. We come to Jesus, not through strength or brains, but through childlike trust. Jesus is not opposed to engaging in scholarly pursuits: he is opposed to spiritual pride (being wise in one’s own eyes.) Join Jesus in thanking God that we all have equal access to him.

Lord Jesus, thank You for your love. Thank you for accepting me right where I am. And Jesus thank You, too, for loving me enough to not leave me there but with Your joy and encouragement we can become what You know we can be! Amen.

May 24th, 2020, Sun, 10:18 pm