A full day with family surely has its rewards, Father, but we are all pretty worn out. Thank you for Your blessings and watchcare over our comings and goings.

Luke 11:3 (<<click to read the passage)

It is interesting how our physical bodies often parallel our spiritual bodies.

Water is essential to our continued good health. The standard rule of thumb is that we should strive to drink eight 8 oz. glasses of water each day, which equals about a ½ gallon.

The thing is, it’s not bad for you to drink more water in one day but it has to be throughout the day. Say that you doubled your water intake each day, spread out, you would be fine but if you drank that much water in a short amount of time, hyponatremia could occur. Hyponatremia is when there is so much water in your body that the sodium in your blood gets diluted and it could make you sick. Your kidneys can eliminate quite a bit of water each day – about 5.3-7.4 gallons, but the kicker is they can’t get rid of more than 27-33 ounces (that’s around four 8 oz glasses) per hour.

Today’s verse reads, “Give us each day our daily bread.”

It is important to realize that the sustenance we get from God is a daily thing – not an all at once thing. My study Bible* says,

We cannot store it up and then cut off communications with God. And we dare not be self-satisfied. If you are running low on strength, ask yourself, “How long have I been away from the Source?”

So many people think that they can stockpile all the spiritual nourishment they need in a single service on Sunday and they are good to go for the week. Yeah, we fill up on some good stuff in a good service of Word and song in our weekly time of corporate worship but it is of paramount importance that we attempt to nourish ourselves numerous times throughout the week – daily would be great, several times a day would be even better.

Right now, my goal is to provide some nourishment. You can also pick up and read your Bible. Listen to some uplifting spiritually oriented music. Pray – and not just before your meals. Read other faith-based literature – books, blogs, devotionals. Just about anything will be beneficial!

Water is essential but nobody in their right mind would try and drink your whole week’s requirement in one day, much less in one hour! Now obviously, no one has ever had adverse effects from experiencing a lot of Jesus, but it is so much more beneficial to spread it out.

He is the source of our strength. He is the source of our love. He is the source of our compassion for one another. He is the source of our forgiveness and grace and mercy and…you get the picture.

Each day we need to ask for our daily sustenance, and God faithfully fills us with all good things. Amen? Amen!

*Life Application Study Bible New Living Translation

June 8th, 2020, Mon, 9:17 pm