(This cool picture is from an online article: 5 Old-Fashioned Ways to Predict the Weather)
It has been a good day, Father, filled with some new goals. Enable me to heed Your direction and guidance as I move forward. Amen.
Luke 12:54-59 (<<click here to read the passage)
You’ve probably heard of it and may even have said it, but can you rattle, off the cuff, some weather lore? I found a few on a camping website called the dyrt that I’d like to share. Some I’ve heard, others are new to me! (Check out the link for more!)
I’ve heard this one several times: “RED SKY IN THE MORNING, SAILORS TAKE WARNING. RED SKY AT NIGHT, SAILORS DELIGHT.” It is based on the sun shining through a thick atmosphere of water vapor, water droplets, and dust, which refracts the light. The weather in our part of the world usually goes from west to northeast. So, if there’s a red sky in the morning there’s moisture in the air as the sun shines through it, so it will probably rain. If it’s read in the evening, the weather has probably passed by, so I should be nice the next day.
“CLEAR MOON, FROST SOON” Lack of cloud cover lets whatever heat that has accumulated to dissipate, so temperatures will drop. With those quick drops in temperature, we have a good chance for frost in the winter.
This one is sort of cool – “WHEN CHIMNEY SMOKE DESCENDS, THE NICE WEATHER ENDS”. When there’s moisture in the air preceding a storm, that moisture weighs down the smoke particles causing it to fall instead of rising.
And one more, not because I’ve ever heard it (or that it makes sense to me) but because it would be interesting to know if it’s true. CATS – allegedly if cats wash behind their ears, sneeze, or snore it’s sure to rain. They just know. (ha-ha)
Now all these are not 100% accurate but does anyone know of a meteorologist that is? But they are probably accurate a good part of the time (still not sure about cats!) But even the simplest of people can follow these general guidelines even with today’s high-tech knowledge. It’s not too complicated most of the time.
Jesus’ point in this passage is that those around him could interpret the natural signs around them and determine the weather but that they were hypocrites (play-actors, pretenders) v56 AMP if they could not see the obvious signs regarding God’s Kingdom that were all around them as plain as day!
Now I realize that we are in tumultuous times. The pandemic is wreaking havoc on our lives – regardless if you take it seriously or not. Work, schools, extended family interaction, social events, sports, concerts, and on, and on, and on! Politics, at least here in the United States, are totally out of control, no matter which side of the fence you find yourselves. And there are all kinds of things flying around when it comes to this being the end times.
It may very well be our last days on earth but my goal, in the midst of it all, is to make sure that I am ready. If Jesus returns before this blog is posted. If would die in my sleep tonight. If Jesus doesn’t come for another 1,000 years; my goal is to be ready! And hand in hand with that goal is the determination I have of not entering into my eternal reward alone.
Yes, I can see what is happening, but I refuse to be caught up in the distractive details. When my Master comes, though I may not know when, I want to be ready! Will you join me?

Aug 16th, 2020, Sun, 4:41 pm