A long day does not even begin to describe it, Father. But I am reminded continually that Your hand is guiding and sustaining me through it all! A thank You does not seem sufficient…

Luke 13:22 (<<click here to read the passage)

A seemingly common desire amongst humanity is the desire to know what lies ahead of us. We think that if we only knew those things that we could avoid pitfalls and take advantage of surety. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to sidestep heartache and pain or know that if we could just stand firm that victory would be ours?

Maybe…but where advanced knowledge could benefit us, it could also hinder us, stopping us in our tracks.

Some things would surely be debilitating. What if we knew that before us lied excruciating pain and suffering that no matter what we did or didn’t do would overtake us. Then every moment up until that time would be stilted as we waited for the inevitable. What joy we might have had would dissipate with our fear and trepidation. Truly I think it best that we don’t know what lies on the path we travel.

In today’s verse, Jesus knows. Yes, He is fully God and clearly sees what lies ahead, not just His tomorrow, but He knows what He has to accomplish if His task of bringing us salvation is to be fulfilled. Nothing prohibits Him from seeing the unavoidable pain and suffering that will belong to Him and Him alone. And being that He is fully man, as well, it could have stopped Him in his tracks. I could have been utterly debilitating…but it wasn’t!

Despite His knowing, He was resolute in His mission.

Read through today’s passage.

Jesus went through the towns and villages, teaching as he went, always pressing on toward Jerusalem.

If you press on…you continue with a task or activity in a determined way, and do not allow any problems or difficulties to delay you. – collinsdictionary.com

Did Jesus stop teaching? Did He stop healing? Did He stop preaching to the eager crowds? Did He stop loving? No!

Nothing stopped our Savior from completed his task of saving! Even knowing his death would be much sooner than later he pressed on.

That was His decision. What will we do with it? Will we disregard it…or will we embrace it for what it is and allow Him to use us and every aspect of our lives so that others may find His salvation, as well?

Aug. 26th, 2020, Wed, 9:22 pm