Recent deaths of friends and individuals in our area have left me in a somber mood, Father. Instead of being melancholy, may I rejoice in the fact that they have all been dearly loved children of Yours and are all now with You. Amen.

Luke 17:1-2 (<<click here to read the passage)

I’m sure that the plight of children in our world hasn’t changed a whole lot throughout the course of time. They have always been easy and accessible targets for those who would wish to harm or take advantage of them. There are times when they are preyed upon and other times, unfortunately, that they are just neglected and forgotten.

Vulnerable…that’s the word. Malleable minds so easily influenced and molded. And once set, they are almost impossible to change.

I admit it is a rare day indeed when my phone is not in my pocket. Yet I find it very disturbing as to how many children today have free access to all that smartphones and tablets have to “offer”.

Yes, communication is important and there is the entertainment “value” – to a degree. But they have become modern-day babysitters…and very poor ones at that. Safeguards, as such, are available, though I would be surprised that many parents really bother with them and I would be equally surprised if many tech-savvy kids couldn’t easily find their way around them. But there is an unlimited amount of junk – and that word is nowhere near expansive or dark enough! – out there for any and everyone to get hold of, including kids. It is easily an open door to the very gates of Hell!

Death, killing, blood, violence, sex, profanity, disregard for authority, substance abuse – and the list is never-ending – are readily available in music and games and images. Indulged in long enough and we become desensitized to the depravity of it all. Oh, it’s fine! It’s just pretend! We’re just having fun! And in the end, we are branded for life… It truly is an uphill battle for those seeking freedom.

Today’s passage reads,

One day Jesus said to his disciples, “There will always be temptations to sin, but what sorrow awaits the person who does the tempting! It would be better to be thrown into the sea with a millstone hung around your neck than to cause one of these little ones to fall into sin. NLT

Lord Jesus, may we seek to protect those within our charge. May we take note. May we not be oblivious to what we are allowing to fill the minds of our children and ourselves, as well. Purify our hearts, set our course in Your ways not the ways of the world. Amen.

Oct 1st, 2020, Thurs, 7:16 pm