As I think back on this morning’s sermon, Father, may we all be diligent on being the light our world darkened by sin so desperately needs. May we shine brightly no matter how much the storm may howl around us! Amen.

Luke 17:22-25 (<<click here to read the passage)

In thinking about lightning storms, one huge storm, in particular, comes to mind. I had gone with a group of men from my wife’s home church to an event out of state. On our way home we ended up in the biggest thunderstorm I had ever been in and I’ve never been in one as bad since!

I truly don’t know how the driver even stayed on the road and moved forward. There was a constant flashing of blinding light and the incessant booming of thunder! And this was all accompanied by a relentless downpour of drenching rain! It was crazy!

To not have noticed what was going on around you would have had to be blind, deaf, and without nerves to feel for the whole experience was blinding, deafening and you feel the thunderous impact of sound as the lightning split through the night sky!

“For as the lightning flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other, so it will be on the day when the Son of Man (a title Jesus used for himself) comes.” Luke 17:24 NLT

In a parallel passage of these words of Jesus found in Matthew’s Gospel, the commentary from my study Bible* made a profound statement regarding Jesus’ second coming. It said, “If you have to be told that the Messiah has come, then he hasn’t.”

Jesus admonished His followers in verse 23,

“People will tell you, ‘Look, there is the Son of Man,’ or ‘Here he is,’ but don’t go out and follow them.” NLT

When Jesus returns – and He most assuredly will – we will all know. And ready…or not…that’s where we will find ourselves. May we all make our decisions now, while there is still time. When He returns, time will be up.

*Life Application Study Bible New Living Translation

Oct 11th, 2020, Sun, 7:17 pm