Root canals are not how I prefer to spend my time between bus routes, but Father I am glad that even there I could call on Your name and know beyond any doubt that You were with me. Thank You for Your abiding presence.

Luke 20:20-26 (<<click here to read the passage)

A common point of discourse between myself and Karen is when I ask her a question with two possible options. “Would like to do A or B?” Quite often the response I get is a “Yes” or a “Sure” or pretty regularly a “Whatever you want.”

Of course, as we all know, those kinds of answers to that kind of question are not really answers. (I can see Karen now with a cheesy grin and a big ol’ “What?” expression on her face – haha)

You would think that a question asked with only two possibilities would garner you one of the two responses. But, obviously, that is not always the case….

Israel’s spiritual leaders sent spies who pretended to be upright and sincere, in order that they might catch Jesus in some statement [that they could distort and use against Him] v20 AMP

They had to portray Jesus in just the right light to ensure that their trap was properly set. So, they said,

“Teacher…we know that you speak and teach what is right and are not influenced by what others think. You teach the way of God truthfully. Now tell us—is it right for us to pay taxes to Caesar or not?” v21-22 NLT

A or B, right? They thought they had a fool-proof plan and were forcing Jesus’ hand to pick one…or the other. Either way, they had Him! If Jesus said they should pay taxes; they would call him a traitor to their nation and their religion. But if he said they should not they could report him to Rome as a rebel. *

As we have already established, they thought themselves wise, but they had no idea with Whom they were dealing!

He saw through their trickery and said, “Show me a Roman coin. Whose picture and title are stamped on it?”
“Caesar’s,” they replied.
“Well then,” he said, “give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God.” v23-25 NLT

A or B? Yes.

There they stood with their mouths agape and verse 26 tells that,

They were not able to seize on anything He said in the presence of the people; and being unnerved at His reply, they were silent. AMP

In our world today we have bought heart, soul, and mind, into the “us against them” way of thinking. The Church – of which we are a part if we claim to follow Christ – often puts forth the slogan, in the world, but not of the world. I read an excellent article entitled, Let’s Revise the Popular Phrase “In, But Not Of” (click on the title to read it yourself).

But let me just say, every one of us is “in” this world. And because of that, we are responsible – no matter who you are or where you find yourself and truthfully it makes no difference what we think of our own talents and abilities – we are responsible to impact the world for Christ.

We pick sides all the time. There will always be those with whom we do not agree. But does that give us cause to shun them so that we are not “of” the world…at least the world that we define as right and just. I emphatically shout, “NO!”

Throughout my adult life, I have interacted with all kinds of people with all kinds of beliefs. And I will tell you that I have never impacted anyone by getting in their face and telling them they are wrong. I also have never impacted one single person by turning my back on them because I don’t agree with their lifestyle or belief system. I’m not saying to not stand for what is right but, even if they push back and push back hard! – why can’t we love them?

Lord Jesus, help us to love others as You love us. May we seek to draw them to You, no matter how difficult the task, and not be all about pushing them away from You because they’re not good enough, and never will be. Help reality to dawn on us that we will never be good enough either…it is only because of You that we can be accepted by a pure and holy God. Amen.

*Life Application Study Bible New Living Translation

Nov 10th, 2020, Tue, 7:29 pm