….I trust in the Lord.
I will be glad and rejoice in your unfailing love,
….for you have seen my troubles,
….and you care about the anguish of my soul. Psalm 31:6a-7 NLT

Luke 21:1-4 (<<click here to read the passage)

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “give until it hurts.” In looking to find where it originated, I was surprised to discover that it came from a speech that Mother Teresa gave as she addressed the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. on February 3, 1994. I read a portion of it and though it is definitely not limited to a monetary perspective it is very applicable to today’s passage. (Click here if you’d like to read it yourself.)

Here is Luke 21:1-4 from the New Living Translation,

While Jesus was in the Temple, he watched the rich people dropping their gifts in the collection box. Then a poor widow came by and dropped in two small coins.

“I tell you the truth,” Jesus said, “this poor widow has given more than all the rest of them. For they have given a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she has.”

“This poor widow” gave until it hurt. She, though poor, gave everything she had to live on. And to make it very clear, widows had it rough in that without a husband or son to provide for them, it was very difficult to meet even the basic needs of life. She felt compelled to give what she could out of her gratitude for God’s provision. She gave until it hurt.

Many others dropped their gifts in the collection box. But unlike the widow, they gave out of their surplus. Oh…wait a minute…that’s not exactly what Jesus said. He said specifically, “For they have given a tiny part of their surplus.” (emphasis mine)

Sure, most of us give – all good followers of Christ do. But many of us would have to admit that we will gladly give as long as it doesn’t cut into our new car fund. Or we might be “generous” in giving what remains after our shopping spree the day before. Those things, for many of us, equal a tiny part of our surplus.

In our culture, we may not define our income as exorbitant but most of us get by pretty well. We may not live in mansions or drive luxury cars, but we get what we want. We do not lack for food or satisfactory shelter. How many people, regardless of income or affluence, do not have a cell phone of some sort? They aren’t cheap, but we pinch in other places so we can have one…each, mind you.

There is nothing wrong with things but, as followers of Christ, we need to strive to live out the concept of giving until it hurts. And it would do us all a world of good to make it the norm and not the exception to the rule.

May we make every effort follow the precept set forth in Proverbs 3:9,

Honor the Lord with your wealth
….and with the best part of everything you produce. NLT

Not with what’s left, not after we set aside for our wish list but the best part of everything.

Oh, and one more thing, let’s not limit this to money. We are all abundantly blessed with all kinds of resources, time, talents, and maybe most important of all…love.

Lord Jesus, help us to learn to give until it hurts. Amen.

Nov 17th, 2020, Tues, 4:49 pm