An unexpectedly productive day in that there was no school due to icy roads. Thank You Father for guiding my thoughts and actions in preparation for our service Sunday.

Luke 24:44-53 (<<click here to read the passage)

Several years ago, I remember hearing a family member’s son say that he had started blogging. (I think he was in high school then; he’s now married with three beautiful little girls!) I had no earthly idea what he was talking about! I am amazed that a little over five and a half years ago I was challenged by my son to begin blogging, using entries from my journal. And now here we are!

I truly have to give the Lord credit for it all. He has gifted me with the ability to articulate what comes to mind each day. But most amazing of all is that even when I sit and read each day’s passage of Scripture, something always seems to come to mind! I have lost count of how many times after reading through the verses I think, “What in the world can I say about that?!” Often my mind latches onto a phrase but equally as often, I have absolutely no idea what I’m going to write.

But I must say the Lord is faithful! Even when I go off on my own, writing about something beyond the passages of His Word that He grants me the privilege to expound about, He takes some mundane thing in my life and inspires me with a link to the wonderful life found only in a relationship with Him.

In verse 45 of today’s passage, it is said that Jesus opened their minds to [help them] understand the Scriptures.” Through the Holy Spirit, He does the same for us today and I am here to testify to that truth.

I would challenge you to not hold back from doing the same yourself. Many sell themselves short thinking they could never understand if they began regularly reading the Bible. My study Bible says,

Have you ever wondered how to understand a difficult Bible passage? Besides reading surrounding passages, asking other people, and consulting reference works, pray that the Holy Spirit will open your mind to understand, giving you the needed insight to put God’s Word into action in your life.

He can and He does! Yes, some verses are much harder than others to understand but He will be with you all the way and can open your mind, as well! Don’t hold back, jump right in and see what the greatest Teacher ever has for you to learn!

Jan 26th, 2021, Tues, 7:23 pm