My mind and body are weary, Father, but I know even in that state You can use me. You can speak to me. May I hear Your voice strong and clear. Amen.

John 1:10-11 (<<click here to read the passage)

Around the holidays we happened to stop by the Kohl’s at which I worked to pick up a few things. I hadn’t worked there for two years but from at least a hundred yards one of the managers recognized me even with my mask on! Even though she was not the manager directly over me, we interacted on a pretty regular basis. I may have seen her once or twice over that span of two years since my employment ended, and yet she still could distinguish who I was from a distance with my face partially obscured!

God created everything through him [that is Christ – the Word], and nothing was created except through him. The Word gave life to everything that was created…John 1:3-4a NLT

Christ knows every single thing about us…down to the molecular level. He even knows things about us that we don’t fully understand about ourselves. He created us, so why shouldn’t He?

Another example, my son Massey knows the ins and outs of the subject in which he completed his doctorate. He is currently wrapping up his third, and final, paper. He has had some conversations with his two advisors recently, and I tell you he can hold his own with them. For the last several years he has absorbed in great depth and detail the workings of the information he has handled day in, day out over that time period. He knows it!

Christ knows us so well because He was a part of all that brought us into being. It’s nearly impossible to fathom but He doesn’t just know about me…and you…but He knows each and every person who has ever existed just as well! He knows us!

…but unfortunately, many do not know Him. Though He created us all, we don’t even recognize Him. (verse 10)

It’s astonishing that even his own people – the Jewish nation – didn’t recognize him. In fact, they rejected him! His people failed in their mission. They were hand-chosen by God to prepare the rest of the world for the Messiah*– that is Jesus. The Old Testament is filled to overflowing with verse upon verse that pointed to His coming, and what that would look like in great detail!

But…they didn’t recognize him… they rejected him

And before we start pointing fingers, they are in good company…with us!

We, too, are a chosen people. We, too, are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9 NLT

And what have we truly done? Many have worked diligently to show others the goodness of God but to our own embarrassment many more…have not.

Lord Jesus, enable us to reflect Your light to a dark and lost world. Help to recognize You for who You are. May we embrace You and not reject You. Give us a burning desire to love you with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength! And to love our neighbors as ourselves. Amen!

*Life Application Bible New Living Translation

Feb 10th, 2021, Wed, 6:58 pm