Father, I am struggling. I simply pray for Your intervention and work in my heart and mind. Amen.


I’m sure at some point you’ve heard the phrase, “Stop the world! I want to get off!” Well, I’m saying it and I just wish it were that easy! There are very few pieces of my life right now, that if I had a choice, I would continue to hold onto.

If you have read very many of my blog posts, you probably realize that I am very careful to only write from what I hold to be a Biblical perspective. I don’t take sides on things outside of that perspective. It is rare for me to share any political reference. I have never even really addressed things that many Christians hold to be overwhelmingly important. I diligently try to apply Biblical truth to life – everyday, ordinary life.

But our world is becoming more and more polarized on just about everything!

Some don’t spend any time on social media whatsoever, but you can’t post anything about anything without people taking sides. Things you would think everyone would like? Most do, but there is always a handful of people who don’t. I don’t know if they just want to be different and just always take the opposite opinion or what.

I would love to share what is tearing apart my world but doing so wouldn’t help. If I expressed my opinions, sides would be taken. Some would readily agree with my viewpoints, others would vehemently disagree and would gladly, readily say so. And once again, we would be polarized.

You should do that.

You can’t make me do that.

It would be for the best.

Not for me, it wouldn’t.

…and on and on and on.

You could guess what I am alluding to and you might be right. But honestly, it applies to more than just one thing. And the way I put it you don’t really know what side I would align myself with. So just pray…it would be much appreciated.

I am grieving and all the synonyms that run with it – mourning, heartbroken, distraught, anguished. I am on the precipice of making life-altering decisions. And unfortunately, regardless of what decisions are made, they will affect others as well.

I lay claim to the Apostle Paul’s admonition in Philippians 4:6-7,

Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything [every circumstance and situation] by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your [specific] requests known to God. And the peace of God [that peace which reassures the heart, that peace] which transcends all understanding, [that peace which] stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus [is yours]. AMP

Apr 14th, 2021, Wed, 7:59 pm