Many may frown but though it is spring snow is a beautiful blanket over Your creation, Father. Thank You for the reminder that though we control so much, that You are sovereign overall!


As I drove my route this morning, I saw field after field of white, it got me thinking. Now there may be some very technically detailed people who would disagree but all in all, pretty much every single flake that made it to the ground was unique! And that got me to thinking, how many snowflakes would it take to add up to what we got last night? That involves quite a bit of math, but I found an interesting video clip put out about a year ago by COSI, officially the Center of Science and Industry. It is a science museum and research center in Columbus, Ohio (just down the road a bit from home!) The video clip was entitled, “How Many Snowflakes Make an Inch of Snow?” (<<Click on the title to watch it. It’s geared toward kids, so it’s about 3½ minutes long.)
Director of Science Content, Marci Howdyshell, greatly simplified the math but it works well enough to give us an idea of how many snowflakes make up a snowfall. She, for comprehension’s sake, guesstimated that one square inch of snow would comprise 1,000 snowflakes. I did the calculations and discovered that if we had 4¼ inches of snow last night on our 5.1-acre lot alone, that would add up to 136 billion snowflakes! (136 with 9 zeros!) That’s just crazy!
I put about 40 miles on my bus this morning! Just think, there were probably billions upon billions of snowflakes on the ground just within my sight! And to realize that for the most part, every single one of them was unique!
You…and I…we are unique – every single one of us! It is easy to get it in our heads that we are just one of millions. We are, but we are unique! God made us – each of us – to be exactly who we were made to be. There are no mistakes. We are special. He made us to love Him. And He made us to live out our lives on this old earth with a purpose! Besides loving Him, we are to love one another. There are so many people who need love – many don’t feel loved at all.
We are called to point others to God by how we live. If we are devoted to following God with everything we have – loving Him with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength – that love will radiate out from us drawing people to God. And just like snowflakes, if we joined our efforts for God’s Kingdom, we could cover the whole world with His love! Amen! (And that means “so be it”!)

Apr 21st, 2021, Wed, 12:45 pm