Thank You, Father, for the ability to get out and walk this morning and for this glorious spring day. I needed both!
John 4:1-15 (<<click here to read the passage)
Do you ever feel stuck? Many come to a point in their lives where they seem to be living in a never-ending cycle. Some might feel that it is a downward spiral but for many, it’s described as being in a rut or being trapped in the “rat race”.
Every day is the same. They get up, go to work, doing the same tasks day after day after day, they go home going through their evening routine that doesn’t usually vary a whole lot either, eventually dropping into bed, and they get up the next morning and start the cycle all over again.
There is little joy in the mundaneness of it all…
The woman in today’s passage was stuck in a nonstop rotation of life. Now her partners changed on occasion, but her life changed very little. Even in a society of rejected souls – due mainly to Jews intermarrying with non-Jews centuries ago – she was shunned by the shunned.
Most women of the community came for water in the morning and then again in the evening…but she avoided the interaction and probable confrontation. She had a reputation that made her pretty unpopular. She had had five husbands and now she was hooked up with another guy to whom she wasn’t even married. So, she came at noon for water.
Stuck. Rut. Never-ending cycle. …when will it ever end?
Enter Jesus…
Just talking to her, Jesus crossed all kinds of barriers – she was a Samaritan, she was a woman, she was shunned by the shunned…but known by Him!
Every day at that time she came to draw water, and when Jesus saw her, He said, “Please give me a drink.” v7 A simple request, right? But it raised all kinds of questions from her.
When she asked, “Why are you asking me for a drink?”

Jesus replied, “If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water.” vs9b-10

She observed that He didn’t even have a rope or a bucket. And I’m sure in her mind she was wondering what He was up to.
But then He threw out the line of hope!

“Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again. But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.” vs13-14 NLT

Now that got her attention! But Jesus was just getting started!
However, that will have to wait until tomorrow for there is far too much yet to write!

Apr 27th, 2021, Tues, 9:10 pm