It’s just one of those times in life, Father, where I am bone-weary. It is a trying time, but I have to keep reminding myself that I don’t need to carry it all alone. You are there and You will never leave me. May I find comfort in You. Amen.

John 14:22-26 (<<click here to read the passage)

I would think that there would be very few who would enjoy taking a test. I was a passable student but by no means a stellar one. One thing though, I am a better student in my adulthood than in my youth!

Some topics come easy for us; some are much more challenging. Some people have the kind of mind that can hang on to details of their studies and recall them with little stress or anxiety when they sit to take a test over it all. Others can work at it but are unable to bring very many specifics to mind as they sit before their blank exam sheet.

Open book tests were not a whole lot better. Yeah, you could use your books, but you still had to be familiar enough with it all to find the needed information in a timely manner.

Then, of course, some are tempted to shortcut the system by copying another person’s work or by some nefarious means to bring all the answers with them in an attempt to gain a passing grade.

Living life as a genuine follower of Jesus Christ in a lot of ways is a daily test. Sometimes things come pretty easily, while other aspects of our lives find us running down a trail of thought only to realize that it’s all wrong. Much to our dismay, we realize that Jesus would never do this or think that! And then we backpedal in an attempt to clear ourselves of the wreckage in which we find ourselves.

Jesus wants us to be victorious but realizes too that we are far from perfect. We fail. We fumble. We fall. And ofttimes it’s not just a small stumble but is a full faceplant onto the rocky courses of life! Some of the tests of life we can pass, no problem but others, it’s like we don’t even know where to begin!

But Jesus has provided all we need to ace the tests of life! Verse 26 of today’s passage says,

But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative—that is, the Holy Spirit—he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you. NLT

What better way to go through a test than to have the Author of the Book right beside you, the whole way along! Too often we are determined to do it all on our own. But we need to understand that we can’t! Only in a partnership with Jesus Christ can we succeed. He brings the victory where we so often fail!

Lord Jesus, may we call out to You! You listen for our call. You provide the answers to our questions and when we don’t understand or don’t get the answers we want, may we trust You. Amen.

Sept 14th, 2021, Tues, 12:44 pm