A day of much-deserved gratitude on our parts, Father. We are blessed in so many ways and do not express it to You nearly often enough! Thank You, Father!


It has been a long but enjoyable day, spent with family. A day to be cherished for they are too few and far between and much too soon these days will pass as time marches ever onward.

I am weary, so this will be short, but I want to take the opportunity to encourage us all to embrace and hold our loved ones close. Appreciate the blessings we have been given. Lay aside petty hurts. Forgive as our Heavenly Father has forgiven us.

Also, may we be attentive to credit God for all the good things we experience – and those things are many. Many things we take for granted but every day – not just one day a year! – we should gratefully praise God for the gifts from His bounteous hand.

Remember, too, that this multitude of things and by no means material things alone, things that we can hold in our pockets. But may we recall the many things we can feel and experience but cannot keep for later, except in the recesses of our hearts. Things such as love, and peace, joy and kindness. May we cherish these things as well. And as we cherish them may we be generous in casting them abroad as well. Too many of those around us are shortchanged in life and God’s stores are plenteous!

Lord Jesus, may we remember to give You praise for it is surely due. Enable us to share the multitude of blessings with which You have endowed us! Amen.

Nov 25th, 2021, Thurs, 9:04 pm