A long but good day, Father. Thank You for your blessing upon the service this afternoon. I would pray that the words shared will stick in the hearts and minds of those there. Amen.

Acts 1:4-5 (<<click here to read the passage)

On our way home tonight Karen and I noticed numerous homes decked out with lights for Christmas. Some were simple, some obviously took a lot of time and effort. Each to his own. As a collective, they are all beautiful in their own right. Just seeing lit Christmas trees through windows of homes was a beautiful sight all its own!

Each home we passed has the capability of shining lights as they choose. Some go to great lengths. Some are satisfied with modest displays. And many others have no interest whatsoever in doing anything at all!

In verse 5 Jesus foretells the coming of the Holy Spirit stating that we will be empowered with Him. Each life has the capability of spiritually shining forth. We all are created in the image of our Creator. We were made with the ability to shine but just like the many homes around us, they have to have a solid power source. They can set out as many lights as they want, but without access to power, all of their efforts will be in vain.

The Holy Spirit is our power source when it comes to our spiritually shining forth! He gives us everything we need to do so. But the problem lies in the fact that still, we can choose to not do a thing to show the world around us that we are empowered. Some may feel that they don’t have much to offer but will still put out a modest display of a life lived humbly under the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Others put a great amount of time and effort into living their lives to the fullest under the Holy Spirit’s tutelage. They eagerly pursue His every leading!

But others are just satisfied with the fact that their sins are forgiven, and they are headed to a heavenly reward. They have no desire to put forth any effort for the Kingdom and basically just enjoy the work of others, soaking it all in.

Many people that warm their seats every week in a local place of worship feel that way. Feed me. Entertain me. Make me feel good, just because I showed up. They have a “glad you got to see me” mentality. But, oh, they could all be so much more. Yes, it’s tough to switch out some of our priorities but which is better to invest in something that will pass with time, something that will blow away or burn to a cinder or wash downstream when the floodwaters of life come? Wouldn’t it be so much better to put forth the effort with the empowerment we have to strive for eternal impact and not just the temporal, short-lived stuff we put so much energy and resources into?

Lord Jesus, may we embrace the fact that we are empowered with the might and unlimited possibilities of the Holy Spirit! Light a fire under us so that we will be compelled to do all we can to further Your Kingdom to impact those around us with Your best interests in mind!

Dec 6th, 2021, Mon, 8:36 pm