Our Spring Break has finally arrived, and we are so ready for it! Father, may we be able to rest and to accomplish things that need to be done. And most importantly, may You be in the midst of it all! Amen.

Acts 12:1-5 (<<click here to read the passage)

Have you ever caught yourself saying, “I guess all we can do, is pray.”? When I’ve caught myself on the verge of speaking that phrase, I pause, because as I think it, it always seems to have a sense of hopelessness about it.

Yes, some situations in which we find ourselves, from pretty much every angle, look hopeless. Cancer. Horrific accidents. Marriages on the verge of divorce. A child raised in a Jesus-honoring home, who pretty much shouts, “I’m outta here! I’m done with all of this ‘church’ stuff!” The impossibilities of life…right? We have to admit that there are times when those situations bring a seemingly unbearable end to how we understand life.

For example, in today’s passage, King Herod Agrippa…had the apostle James (John’s brother) killed with a sword. vs1a-2 (He was also one of the three who had joined Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration.) His life was taken without the least bit of warning! That’s not fair. It’s just not right! But it is the way life is far too often – no rhyme or reason…just pain and loss. We often want to shake our fingers at God, demanding an explanation. Only He sees the big picture and all we can do is speculate…and trust Him. I have no better answer than that, for there is no other answer than that.

When Herod saw how much this pleased the Jewish people, he also arrested Peter. v3 NLT

But instead of having Peter killed right off, he is imprisoned and put under heavy guard, with a pending “trial” and inevitable execution.

But this time the church had time to act! But they didn’t try to break him out of jail. They didn’t hire an assassin to take Herod out. They didn’t try any of those things because every single one of them would have been an exercise in utter futility! It was far beyond their means and experience. Those things were impossible!

So, what did they do? They did the only thing they could do! They immediately took it to the only Person who could do anything about it. They had no idea what God could do but they believed – at least they hoped = that He would do something. So, the church pounded Heaven’s doors with fervent and persistent prayer for him… v5 AMP

We’ll look at how God answered their prayers tomorrow but the thing for us to understand today is the fact that they may have realized that prayer was their only choice, but it was not entered in with any hesitancy. It was not a last-ditch effort. It was their front line of defense, do everything, expect-God-to-do-what-only-God-can-do effort!

So, the next time the “impossible” falls into your lap, give it over to the only One who can do anything about it. Leave it in His hands. Be fervent. Be persistent. But trust in our Almighty, All-knowing God to do what is best!

Apr 13th, 2022, 7:26 pm