Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness.
….Let the whole world know what he has done.
Sing to him; yes, sing his praises.
….Tell everyone about his wonderful deeds. Psalm 105:1-2 NLT


This past Friday marked the seven-year point from when More than Useless put out its very first post. As I reflected and went back and read that post, it still rings true, and we would do well to read through it once more. If it is possible, it is even more true today.

For those who might be interested, here are a few stats about how More than Useless has impacted people over the last seven years.

– 1,779 posts published
– over 74,000 views
– over 41,000 people from 150 countries and 21 territories around the world
….have witnessed God’s impact on me. And I pray that He impacts them, too!

Maybe for some, it changes a life. Others may have one more drop of God’s mercy to moisten the hardness of their hearts, drawing them ever closer to Himself. Only God knows and eternity will tell, how He has used what I have given. May I remain faithful to His call on my life. And you…you cannot sidestep His call! We are all called by the Creator God of the universe to follow Him, giving Him what we have to offer, no matter how small. And He will bless your offerings as well!

He loves us and he has chosen us! What more could we ask! You, my friends, are MORE THAN USELESS!

Here is my very first post from June 17, 2015. May you hear God speaking to you today, as well!


Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us… Ephesians 1:1-14 NLT

It’s wonderful to see this amazing statement, which I have often proclaimed, firmly set in Your Word. To know that You loved us from eternity past should fill us with great peace and eradicate any doubt as to whose we are.

Help this to be foundational in how I think of myself and how I think of all others, even those that “Christians”* tend to reject. Father, help me to see people through the lens of Your perspective.

*A little expounding on my use of this term in this way might be helpful. So-called “followers of Christ” have gotten a nasty reputation in recent years. Far too often we are haters and that’s not just a label others have put on us – many who bear the name of Christ are haters. If “sinners” don’t agree with us and they take a stand for what they believe, we don’t love them, pray for them, or try to live lives before them that draw them to Christ. Instead, we blast them, berate them and out-and-out condemn them! In the Old Testament and the New, we are told over and over again, “Love your neighbor as yourself…” Read the Gospels and you will not find one example of Christ condemning a “sinner”, he loves them, forgives them, and commands them to “go and sin no more” (John 8:11 NLT) but, in no way, shape or form, does he hate them. On the other hand, He does condemn the spiritual leaders of His day. They were two-faced (hypocrites) and self-serving. They had the Law, and they knew the Law but chose not to obey it. I for one am grateful that he does not condemn sinners for I wholeheartedly agree with Paul when he wrote in 1 Timothy 1:15, “This is a trustworthy saying, and everyone should accept it: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners”—and I am the worst of them all.” NLT Father, help us all to see people through the lens of Your perspective.

June 19th, 2022, Sun, 10:09 pm