So often, Father, I wonder to myself, why You would love me like You do. I truly cannot comprehend it, but I am eternally indebted to Your grace, love, and forgiveness.

Acts 21:1-14 (<<click here to read the passage)

From experience, I can tell you that following Jesus is not always an easy journey. What can make things more difficult is that there can be times when those who journey alongside us try to encourage us to do certain things or even dissuade us from doing other things. And all along, the Holy Spirit may be directing us in different directions altogether.

Some twenty years ago I was enjoying a full-time support staff position in a great church. I was wrapping up studies to become ordained as an elder in the Church of the Nazarene – which I did in the summer of 2000. Then things changed rapidly.

My godly pastor genuinely felt led by the Spirit to push me out of the nest, if you will, to pursue a senior pastorate at a good-sized church in northern Ohio. His “boss”, the district superintendent, introduced me to the elected church leadership and oversaw my interview and tour of the church and home provided by the church. He strongly felt that it was an ideal beginning for a pastor right out of the gate and that it was just too good of a situation to pass up.

Well…I did pass on it – much to the chagrin of all other parties involved. Many thought I was crazy, but honestly, I felt the Lord was directing me away from what many thought a new “pastor” should be running into.

It was difficult, to say the least. I truly believe the Lord’s will was done. As I look back over the last twenty-plus years God has used me to touch so many lives in so many different ways. I wouldn’t change a thing.

At the beginning of chapter 21, Paul continues his journey to Jerusalem, and it seems that left and right, people – solid God-following people – were telling him not to go. The latter part verse 4 even says,

These believers prophesied through the Holy Spirit that Paul should not go on to Jerusalem.

A few days later in another community, a man named Agabus, who also had the gift of prophecy, arrived from Judea… v10 and basically told Paul the same thing. Those who loved Paul literally begged him not to go. Their feelings were so intense that they wept. He responded by saying,

“Why all this weeping? You are breaking my heart! I am ready not only to be jailed at Jerusalem but even to die for the sake of the Lord Jesus.” v13 NLT

From a purely human perspective, things in Jerusalem were going to get very bad for Paul. But he knew what God wanted of him and nothing would deter him from accomplishing what God had laid on his heart. All kinds of craziness were ahead of him, death threats, shipwrecks, and jail, to name just a few. But untold lives would be impacted for God’s Kingdom because of Paul’s obedience.

Lord Jesus, may we abide in You. May we listen and obey Your directive, even though it may not be easy…even though it might lead to pain and suffering. May we be determined to follow you regardless. Amen.

July 18th, 2022, Mon, 9:01 pm