The shadows are lengthening as the day is coming to a close. Father, fill my heart with the words You have for me this day. Amen.


As I’ve mentioned before, we have a hummingbird feeder hanging in front of the bay window in our dining room. We see lots of hummingbirds. I believe that we are on the third batch of sugar water this year, and it is a pretty good-sized glass container.

There are six ports from which they can partake and there is plenty for all. But one thing that I’ve noticed, is that repeatedly two birds will fly up at the same time and 99% of the time they will not just calmly partake together. Inevitably they will square off against each other and one will chase the other off. It is a dogfight of hummers!

What’s crazy is, that the same thing far too often happens in churches!

We have a never-ending supply of sustenance. Whereas my hummingbird feeder only has six ports, Jesus, who Himself is the Bread of Life and Living Water is available 24/7/365 for anyone and everyone who would choose to partake. But unfortunately, there are some Christians who have this nasty attitude that screams, “Whoa, hold on there! You’re not like me! You don’t look like me. You don’t act like me. You don’t talk like me. This is my sustenance, and you’re not welcome here! Get outta here! Move it, bucko!” And off we chase them. It’s a dogfight of God’s children!

When I see two hummers glaring at each other, I cannot tell them apart. To me they look the same – they are simply two hummers! It is the same for us. God sees his children. There are subtle differences, but in His eyes, there are no differences – at least none that are of any consequence to God. He rejoices that we are there, come to partake.

An example: I recently heard a story regarding a totally white congregation that had a black minister appointed to serve as their pastor. They may not have come right out and rejected him to his face with the blatant truth of their reprehensible mindset but to them, he was not acceptable – he wasn’t like them! So, his time of service amongst them was cut short by their shortsightedness, self-righteousness, and outright bigotry, even though he was an excellent speaker and well-represented his Lord and Savior. It was totally unacceptable – not that he was their pastor but that they responded in such an unChristlike way!

The Apostle Paul proclaimed in Galatians 3:28,

There is [now no distinction in regard to salvation] neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you [who believe] are all one in Christ Jesus [no one can claim a spiritual superiority]. AMP

There is a beautiful hymn that we sing regularly – In Christ There Is No East or West. Here is a rendition of it as sung by the Virtual Choir of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church of New York City. The words are provided.

July 31st, 2022, Sun, 7:34 pm