A word of encouragement from The Valley of Vision – the opening lines of Christ the Word.

In a world of created changeable things
….Christ and his word alone remain unshaken.


OK, I’ve had a couple of things running through my brain recently, so here’s another post outside the book of Romans.

One afternoon last week, I had a small quickly moving bird zoom in front of my bus. I don’t like hitting animals, so initially, there was a bit of “Oh, no!” but it quickly passed in that the hummingbird, I would assume – due to size and speed, zoomed just as quickly away from the front of the bus.

There was no way that it just darted in front of my bus and flew away. There was enough of a pause that it had to have lighted on some portion of the grill or radiator. I was amazed! Usually, if a bird or a butterfly, hits my windshield, it ricochets off and most times I would assume that that was the end of them. But this time, though I don’t know if it was totally unphased by the encounter, it was well enough to fly away in its own strength away from my bus moving forward.

People, when asked how they are doing, will sometimes reply by saying, “I feel like I’ve been hit by a bus.” Usually, that means that they are not feeling well physically but can’t the world do that to us in multiple ways? An argument with our spouse. The loss of a loved one. Major health issues on our part or someone close to us. Sometimes it might be something as simple as not being appreciated or looked down upon or getting the feeling that you are useless. It’s one thing when we get that from people we don’t know, but it can, over time, become crippling if those closest to us – at home or at work – repeatedly do it to us.

The are some things that we can’t do anything about, we’re like that bird or butterfly that just ricochets off of my bus window. We are down for the count and hopefully, we can piece our lives back together. But other times, it may very well be a situation where we can allow it to take us down or we can power through it. It is feasible to do so in the world as we know it, but it is an even greater likelihood if we allow God to empower us to move above and beyond whatever has tried to take us out.

Take the not being appreciated or looked down upon or getting the feeling that you are useless situation, for example. It’s easy to crumble, wallow in self-pity, get angry, and act out in ways that don’t help us or the situation. Or, we could say a quick prayer and let God do what He has created us to do and move on! He loves us, he empowers us. We are highly valued in His eyes. We are the apple of His eye!

I love how the Amplified Bible quite often puts things. Here is what Jesus has to say in John 16:33,

I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world.” [My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding.]

God in His infinite creativity enabled that hummingbird to overcome being hit by a bus…and He can do the same for us! Trust Him! Believe in Him! Love Him! Amen!

Sept 13th, 2022, Tues, 12:33 pm