Father, enable me to be usable where I am. Sometimes I feel unusable due to my thickness of head. I’m not trying to be uncooperative, but I would ask that You remove anything that would inhibit my ability to act in ways pleasing to You. Amen.


From experience, I know that the devotional – The Valley of Vision – has so much to offer. I interject portions here and there but this time I’d like to put forth part of a prayer entitled Love to Jesus. These are all taken from the writings of the Puritans hundreds of years ago, but so often their thoughts are my thoughts. The Lord continues to speak through them.

I’m going to try something a little different. What they wrote is in indented, italicized blue and my thoughts are in black. Feel free to comment!

It is fitting thou shouldest not regard me,
….for I am vile and selfish;

I am a sinner, as we all are sinners. We are predisposed to sin – our thoughts, our words, our actions. Is there any part of us that is not vile or selfish?

You, Lord Jesus, are pure and holy to the uttermost, the way things are sin cannot exist in Your presence but You, as only You could have done, made a way for me.

….yet… despite my vileness
……………I seek thee,
….and when I find thee there is no wrath to devour me,
….but only sweet love.

Sweet love! Nothing else could do the work that it accomplishes!

Thou dost stand as a rock between the scorching sun and my soul,
….and I live under the cool lee-side as one elect.

I deserve the “scorching”. I have earned it in my rebellion. It does not impact You, but You stand as my shield, my wall, my protector! Your grace enables me to live and serve You as a chosen one!

When my mind acts without thee
….it spins nothing but deceit and delusion;
When my affections act without thee
….nothing is seen but dead works.
O how I need thee to abide in me,
….for I have no natural eyes to see thee,
….but I live by faith in one whose face to me
……..is brighter than a thousand suns!

One of the many things that I have come to understand in my journey by Your side (and oft times I must be reminded of them, for I am prone to wander) is that the only way to truly, victoriously make this journey is proclaimed in the line that says, O how I need thee to abide in me”.

I am incapable in my own strength – I fall without You. I cannot last a single day without temptation luring me to yield to the simplest of lures. I need Your strength to stand strong.

I am inept in loving with my limited love – I lash out. I far too often reflect the world in its anger and selfish ambition. Compassion is in short supply. Patience is quickly diminished. You loving through me is the only hope I have. In some cases, it may be the only hope others have of seeing Your love for them.

Lord Jesus, I am totally dependent upon You. May I never forget. I plead that You will never cease to remind me, moment by moment, that You alone are my Savior. And that is not just because of Your sacrifice 2000 years ago, but You are my Savior incalculable times throughout every day! All praise to You!

Oct 6th, 2022, Thurs, 6:58 pm