It was a busy out-of-the-norm kind of day, Father. I wish I had been more attuned to You but was quite a bit off-key a few times. Once more pull me to Your side. Set me aright. Use me as You will. Amen.


As I typed my opening prayer my mind reached back to a post I knew I had written some time ago. When you’ve written for seven-plus years, it is almost impossible to remember when you wrote something. I’m grateful that WordPress allows me to search my archives. 😊

The core of this post is not the one I thought of, but it is one I wrote and, most importantly, it is the one that my Father needed me to see. I hope it speaks to you as well.


The time I spend with You, Father, is truly the most important of my day. It sets my mind and my heart for the day.

In a sermon way back in April of 2016, I spoke of how spiritually vital it is to take part in worshiping together on a regular basis. It is important in that it helps us to make weekly adjustments in our walk with You, Lord. Observing Holy Communion is more so because it focuses our minds like nothing else on remembering what You did for us. We all need that.

It’s essential that we “not neglect our meeting together, as some people do.” (Hebrews 10:25 NLT) but as I continue this personal, intimate journey with You, Lord, it is absolutely critical that I come together with You daily, for a time of prayer and soul searching. [To a degree, I continue this practice, but I can honestly say, it’s not the same as those early days of my journaling journey. Frankly, it needs to be different than what it is now. If you note my time signatures I write predominantly in the evening – occasionally in the afternoon. Lord Jesus, please guide me to the best solution.]

In my younger years, I was actively involved in band. I started with the trumpet and eventually learned to play the French horn (along with its marching counterpart the Mellophone – which I am pleased to say, is still in use today!) To be successful in playing any instrument requires regular, consistent practice – one must be committed.

Another essential factor when coming together to play was the necessity to tune your own instrument so that everyone was in tune with one another. With horns, this meant pulling out or pushing in certain portions of the instrument’s tubing. That’s a little technical but that’s what we had to do if we were to harmonize with our fellow band members to bring forth beautiful music together. Being out of tune was disastrous!

Lord Jesus, my time with You is my daily “tuning.” Coming together for corporate worship is very important but coming together with You on a consistent basis is even more critical. As an instrument of Your creation, I must fulfill my role in the “orchestra” of life. I must learn how to do so from my Teacher. And to “harmonize” with the rest of creation, I also have to keep myself “in tune”; that is not just an occasional thing. If I am to do my part, it’s an every day thing. Lord Jesus, I plead with You once more to enable me to stay “in tune” with You. Amen.

(Apr 10th, 2016, Sun, 6:01 am)
Dec 12th, 2022, Mon, 6:53 pm