As usual, it’s been a very full day – between church services and spending some time with Karen’s family, we have been busy. At this point, we are all weary, after a trying two weeks but You are there, Father, and we are blessed.


Father, I’ve recently been reminded of how much You care about us, even in the small stuff. Often, we’re prompted to do little things, and just as often we brush them off as a random, “where did that come from?” kind of thing. Shortly thereafter something happens, and we think, “Why didn’t I do that little thing that popped into my head?” Those aren’t random things, it’s You!!

We’re driving along and see gas is at $3.09 and, even though we have half a tank, it pops into our head “I should fill up.” We may brush it off and say, “I’ll do it later.” The next day we’re out again and gas has jumped to $3.39! You tried to help us, and we blew it off! Next time act when prompted!

You love us – You care about us! Even the small stuff. It all adds up! It’s like pennies; they’re not worth a whole lot but pick them up often enough and you have a $1!

And it’s not just about making life easier and realizing that You care about us. On a whole other level, You’re training us to listen to You. Once we become responsive to Your still, small voice regarding the little things, it will open the door to bigger, more important things.

The next time it may not be about gas. It may be a prompting to pray for someone and we find out later they were in a difficult situation at the exact time we prayed! Who knows, Lord, what You’ll use us for?!

Some time ago, when I worked at Kohls, You checked me on my attitude toward a regular customer who didn’t always have the sweetest disposition. When I saw her heading to jewelry, I’m ashamed to say, I’d literally groan inwardly. You prompted me to love her – to be kind and considerate. So, I did. We interacted while she looked at some things, and out of the blue, she opened up and shared a little about herself.

She wasn’t from around the area until recently when she’d had some physical issues and her family who did live in the area felt it best that she move closer to them. So, she did. She sold her home and left everything of familiarity behind and now lives not too far from the store. Fortunately, her health improved, and she is doing much better but unfortunately just about everything she had cherished – her home, her friends – is now gone or too far away to enjoy. Then she said something that pierced my heart. She said, “I only have a couple of friends here and you’re one of them.”

She barely knows me and honestly, I can’t even tell you her name – but, dear Lord, I am her friend…

What if I hadn’t listened to You, Lord? I don’t know what would have happened if I had just brushed away that prompting but I didn’t – and because I was obedient, You were able to touch someone as only You can.

Lord, help me to listen – even in the small stuff. Train me to not hesitate but to immediately respond when I’m prompted by You. Amen!

(Feb 21st, 2016, Sun, 6:18 am)
Mar 5th, 2023, Sun, 6:01 pm