Father, You know better than all that we are in the midst of overwhelming days. May find comfort in Your presence. May the peace which surpasses all understanding be ours. Amen.


As I worked to share posts last week, I came across this post and just didn’t have the wherewithal to make it applicable to the circumstances in which I found myself. But the words surely ring just as true today as they did six years ago.


Through many stretches of life, I find things running along quite smoothly – no major snags or crises. But this has not been the case in recent weeks –many people on many fronts dealing with many life-changing struggles and heartaches. Lord, I realize that this is not an earth-shattering epiphany, but life is fragile.

Just in the last couple of weeks, two incidents have transpired – one in my life and another in the lives of a beautiful family. We each lost loved ones near and dear to our hearts. Both were individuals who were once strong and vibrant and in their final days they were unable to move from their beds as they awaited their final breaths. We are grateful that each of them was ready to step into the presence of the Lord. Time marches on – it cannot be stopped. We are at its mercy, carried along with no control.

We can surely relate to Job’s statement from a time long ago.

“How frail is humanity! How short is life, how full of trouble! We blossom like a flower and then wither. Like a passing shadow, we quickly disappear.” Job 14:1-2 NLT

Lord, there are so many things in this life that You give us in which to find pleasure. Yes, there is much pain and sorrow but there is also much joy and love. We also know that while on this earth we may be ruled by time, but our everlasting souls will carry on when our shadows disappear from this earth. You are with us here and You await us there, and Your gift of salvation assures us of an eternity together.

I seem to be rambling on, but my main thought was not the downside of life but, Lord, may I take advantage of all the good that life has to offer. May I love to the fullest. May I take every opportunity to embrace and appreciate others in my life. May I cherish the time we have, though it is fleeting. May I not waste it. May I not look back and regret what I did – or didn’t do – with the time I did have. Amen.

And Bill and Aileen, may you both rest in the arms of your Lord and Savior. Good and faithful servants have been welcomed home.

(Mar 6th, 2017, Mon, 4:58 am)
Apr 23rd, 2023, Sun, 6:22 pm