What a beautiful day, Father! I’ve been in the office for most of the day, but I love looking out the window where wildlife and sunshine abound. All praise to my Creator God!


It has officially begun! Zucchini season is upon us – at least in Ohio! Now that I’ve lured you in with that beautiful piece of pie in the picture above, you’re probably wondering, “What in the world does zucchini have to do with apple pie?!”

Well, my friend, let’s set the record straight…that is not a picture of a scrumptious-looking apple pie. That is a picture of a zucchini pie. It is so delicious! It looks like apple pie, it tastes like apple pie, and if no one gave you the heads up you’d eat the whole thing thinking it was apple pie!

And I’ve not just read about it…I’ve experienced it – and on more than one occasion. So far this year, we’ve had seasoned zucchini spears cooked in the air fryer, we’ve eaten an entire Zucchini Chocolate Cake, and a wonderful round of zucchini fritters with one of our last meals. Now I’m just waiting for Karen to have the time to put together one of those Zucchini “Apple” Pies – I brought home another zucchini after my meeting at church tonight!

Zucchini is a pretty unassuming fruit (surprisingly, it isn’t a vegetable!). It’s unassuming because it’s not really much to look at. Its long thin cylinder shape is not elaborate or showy, as in appearance or style. It is modest, plain, simple, unostentatious (or understated), and unpretentious.

Maybe you think you don’t have much to offer. You may think that you’re just a basic person – no bells or whistles, just a plain Jane or an average Joe…the zucchini of humanity. The world looks at you and doesn’t really know what you can do. It sets limits on you. It holds you back.

But the Master Creator, now He – because He made you and knows you inside and out – knows just what you were created to be and sets you free! If we will but allow Him, giving ourselves over to Him, He can take what we think is mediocre and unassuming and make it spectacular! He can do amazing things with us. Things that would never even possibly dream of.

We might think we’re an unassuming zucchini but God can make us into an amazing slice of heaven!

He has made everything beautiful and appropriate in its time. He has also planted eternity [a sense of divine purpose] in the human heart [a mysterious longing which nothing under the sun can satisfy, except God]—yet man cannot find out (comprehend, grasp) what God has done (His overall plan) from the beginning to the end. Ecclesiastes 3:11 AMP

Aug 10th, 2023, Thurs, 3:16 pm