It was not a normal day for us, but it was a productive day, nonetheless. Thank You Father for the strength and wherewithal to accomplish the task at hand.


Yesterday, I made mention of the church my dad pastored in the late 70s early 80s. They are having a big anniversary celebration and unfortunately, we will not be able to attend but we are sending our greetings and some memories as well.

I wrote a little something just from me in that that church and the many wonderful people from that church were the final inspirations I experienced before heading off to college. Parsons Church of the Nazarene definitely left an impression on me.

Contemporary worship wasn’t a thing back then…at least not in my upbringing. Hymns were foundational in my life, and they remain a huge part of it today. I realize that there is a lot of amazing music out there and its many variations impact people from all walks of life in all parts of the world.

I really don’t think I’m a stick in the mud, but hymns speak to me. Hymns impact me. I sing and frequently hear God’s Word, loud and clear. Time and time again when I am reading God’s Word, I’ll pause and realize, “Wow! That’s in a hymn I know!” The words I sing are a testimony of Christ in so many areas of my life.

I went back and looked at some of my past blog posts and included a portion of one from 2017 in what I wrote to them and one of my favorite parts of my Parsons church experience was the choir – and oh, could they sing! I don’t think many of them read music but the harmonies that rang from the choir loft were heavenly! I think a lot of it was the fact that they weren’t just singing words and notes. They were singing from the depths of their hearts. I truly believe each person was singing their song!

One of my many favorite hymns is My Wonderful Lord by Nazarene composer Haldor Lillenas. I don’t remember if it was the choir or possibly my mom and dad singing it as a duet, but it continues to bring sweet memories to this day.

Alas, if I only had a recording of that choir from years gone by. But regardless, here is a very nice rendition as sung by the Collingsworth Family.

I have found a deep peace
that I never had known
And a joy this world could not afford
Since I yielded control of my body and soul
To my wonderful, wonderful Lord.

My wonderful Lord, my wonderful Lord
By angels and seraphs in Heaven adored
I bow at Thy shrine
My Savior divine
My wonderful, wonderful Lord

All the talents I have I have laid at Thy Feet
Thy approval shall be my reward.
Be my store great or small
I surrender it all
To my wonderful, wonderful Lord.

Thou art fairer to me than the fairest of earth
Thou omnipotent, life-giving Word
O Thou Ancient of Days,
Thou art worthy all praise,
My wonderful, wonderful Lord.

My wonderful Lord, my wonderful Lord
By angels and seraphs in Heaven adored!
I bow at Thy shrine
my Savior divine
My wonderful, wonderful Lord.

Aug 14th, 2023, Mon, 8:01 pm