A full day already, Father, and it’s only about half done. As we come together, may my thoughts be on You and what You want the world to know. Amen.
Romans 15:23-33 (<<click here to read the passage)
We are all familiar with prayer. Even those who don’t believe in God or adhere to any spirituality, as such, know what prayer is, though they may think it foolish…having no impact whatsoever.
But believers know, beyond the shadow of any doubt, that there is most assuredly power in prayer! My study Bible* states, regarding verse 30,
Too often we see prayer as a time for comfort, reflection or making requests to God. But here Paul urges believers to join in his struggle by means of prayer. Prayer is a weapon that all believers should use in interceding for others.
Prayer accomplishes so many things – most importantly it is a link of communication between us and our loving Heavenly Father – but honestly, I don’t often think of prayer as a weapon!
How many times have we heard someone (maybe even ourselves) say, “Well, the least I can do is pray…” and we tend to say it in a dejected, last resort tone of voice. Goodness gracious, prayer should be our first line of defense in each and every attack, no matter from whence the attack comes!
For sure, material resources (money, time, and talents) are needed to spread the Gospel – God’s Good News – to the world but many times our resources are limited…but prayer – oh, my! – prayer is limited only by our willingness to use it! And we don’t even have to speak it! We can think it!
Do you remember what happens when we as believers are at a loss for words? Romans 8:26-27 tells us,

In the same way the Spirit [comes to us and] helps us in our weakness. We do not know what prayer to offer or how to offer it as we should, but the Spirit Himself [knows our need and at the right time] intercedes on our behalf with sighs and groanings too deep for words. And He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because the Spirit intercedes [before God] on behalf of God’s people in accordance with God’s will. AMP

We have the mightiest weapon ever known to humankind at our disposal. We have access to it anytime, anywhere!
And don’t make excuses! Like anything in our lives, when we start, we’re not always very good. It takes practice. Practicing prayer gives a whole other meaning to “practice makes perfect”! We have the ultimate connection in prayer in that God will help us, if we will but ask!
My challenge? Pick up your weapon and unload the powers of Heaven against the powers of this earth. They don’t stand a chance!

With all prayer and petition pray [with specific requests] at all times [on every occasion and in every season] in the Spirit, and with this in view, stay alert with all perseverance and petition [interceding in prayer] for all God’s people. Ephesians 6:18 AMP

*Life Application Study Bible New Living Translation

Sept 6th, 2023, Wed, 12:51 pm