I had my last trip of the month today to the far-off middle of nowhere! I was blessed by pleasant conversation, safe travels, and the opportunity to accomplish something in the middle of it all! Thank You, Father, for Your abundance!


I am weary of mind and body this evening. Not enough solid sleep and a day that has not let up since I got up has brought me to this point. I’m just not able to pull anything together. I’ve read the next passage in 1 Corinthians, but I just can’t seem to process and organize my thoughts to anything cohesive. I can’t even find an old post to share. Sometimes life just catches up with us, and we have to just sit back and let God do with us what He will.

There is nothing wrong with admitting that we can’t go on…that tomorrow is a new day. I for one am grateful for a new slate each new day.

My prayer recently has been that God would just use me however He sees fit for that given day. At times, temptation starts to rear its ugly head in my thoughts and gratefully, my heart – leading my mind – rushes to God’s side. I may pray. Sometimes it’s a thought that could be disastrous if I lingered on it, but say when I’m driving my bus route, I pray for my fellow drivers. In my mind, I start with bus #1 and say a prayer for the driver. Then I move to bus #2, then #3, then #5, and so on until everyone has been lifted up. I pray for our supervisor, our mechanic, and the aids, our subs…and when I’m done, the temptation that popped into my head is gone.

Sometimes I sing a song in my head…whatever it takes to get my thoughts back on things of God, and the slate is wiped clean for the Lord to do what He will do in my life.

I hope this hasn’t rambled on, but I would encourage you to go to the Lord, as well. Whatever weighs upon you, He can handle. And He will get you through it. Lean on Him. Trust Him. He will not let you down.

As the refrain of the old hymn goes,

Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er!
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
O for grace to trust Him more!


Sept 26th, 2023, Tues, 5:51 pm