A profitable day both at work and in the office. Thank You, Father, for the strength and mental ability to accomplish what I have!

1 Corinthians 13:7b (<<click here to read the passage)

Love…believes all things [looking for the best in each one]…

As a part of our personal development training today, my fellow bus drivers and I watched a video about how we, as adults, interact with our students. In the first part, all of the adults – the bus driver, the administrator at the door of the school, and the teachers basically ignored the kids – paying them no mind, or worse, derided them a majority of the time. They rode them constantly about their behavior and how poorly they were doing. The students’ actions were unacceptable, and they left no doubt in the students’ minds about it. There were no smiles, no encouragements, no love…whatsoever.

It drove home the point that students who struggle anyway would be throttled down even more. Their failure in school – and life – was all but assured.

Then, the scenario started back at the beginning. The bus driver called the student by name, acknowledging his presence with a smile and a warm greeting, then sent him with a fist bump to his seat. The administrator enthusiastically greeted each student with a smile and a hug for many of them, stating that she had been looking forward to their arrival. The teachers reacted the same way. This time, it wasn’t all about being quiet, but they encouraged their students to interact constructively with one another. Smiles abounded, encouragement was freely given…and there was love!

Instead of being throttled down, students were lifted up! Those struggling found encouragement on every front, and their success in school – and life – though not guaranteed, was more greatly assured.

As followers of Christ, we are to be eager distributors of love. Some of the people we interact with are definitely not easy to love. Some are literally in our faces, all but assuring themselves that they will get the same in return.

So, what should our responses be in not just difficult situations but all our interactions with others, young and old alike? Love…plain and simple love.

We may argue, “I know that the Bible commands me to love my neighbor as myself, but how am I supposed to do that if I don’t even like them?” Our love supply is limited. It’s weak, too. We don’t have nearly enough, and often, we are less than eager to “waste it” on the less-than-lovable.

Our source for a never-ending reservoir of love? God is that source!

Psalm 103:17 from the Amplified Bible reads,

But the lovingkindness of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who [reverently] fear Him…

His love is on us! We cannot keep it to ourselves! We must give it away in abundant supply! Let your love believe all things, looking for the best in each other!

Jan 2nd, 2024, Tues, 7:29 pm