Good morning, Father! I am glad that, once again, I have the opportunity to come and sit at Your feet. I know You love me, and absolutely nothing can separate me from Your love! (Romans 8:38-39) Please, bless our time together, may it be profitable for my soul. I give myself over to You – teach me, motivate me, and make me act according to Your will.

Colossians 4:5-6 (<<click here to read the passage) defines “wise” as “having the power of discerning and judging properly as to what is true or right, processing, discernment, judgment or discretion.” Lord, You direct us to live in this mindset. I cannot say that I have always succeeded in doing so. I truly believe that You are constantly working with me to make me wiser in my day-to-day interactions with others. Discernment is a trait with which the Holy Spirit surely helps me. At work, at church, or at home, discernment helps things go along much more smoothly. Thank You for helping me to see things that make for wise interaction. Please help me make the most of every opportunity you bring my way.

After You help me apply wisdom, discerning the situation in which I find myself, help me to be gracious. So many times, extending grace to others has diffused a potentially volatile situation. Being kind and courteous goes a long way. In doing so, what I say is much more attractive to those with whom I interact. This whole directive is beneficial in working with others overall, but Lord, help me think this way when sharing You with others.

I really don’t think I would enjoy French fries nearly as much without salt. Salty things appeal to my palate. In fact, I often crave salty things – chips, crackers, nuts, etc. Where the New Living Translation translates a portion of this passage as “attractive,” others translate it as “seasoned with salt.” Lord, help me to be SALTY! May others crave my presence because I am seasoned with You. Enhance my interactions so much so that people are directed to You. Bless me today and in the days ahead with “saltiness,” so I might have the “right response for everyone.”

(July 4th, 2015, Sat, 5:45 am)
June 12th, 2024, Wed, 7:44 am