Month: February 2017

Give It Your All

Father, the train is slow leaving the station this morning! Help me to get “a ‘rollin’”. I am eager to hear what You want to share with me. 2 Peter 1:1-2 (<<click here) “May God give you more and more grace and peace as...

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Stand Firm

It is dark…but for the lamp by my chair. It is quiet…but for the occasional vehicle zooming by. In this moment, it is just You and me, Father. May I hear Your voice. May I follow Your leading. Amen 1 Peter 5:12-14 (<<click...

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Christmas in February?

Father, thank You for the wake-up call, Your love for me is amazing! I am so undeserving but You love me anyway… I pray that I can love You back today. May my life reflect that love to You and to everyone that crosses my path....

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Beauty in the Dreariness

This morning as I look out my office window, Father, I think of You as my great Creator God. Yes, it is towards the end of February in Ohio. The trees are barren except for the last of the beech tree leaves clinging brown to...

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Big Enough

Father, I am grateful that You are a big enough God that I, and everyone else for that matter, can come to You anytime, anywhere, and you are there for us. You want us to come to You. You want us to ask questions. You want us to...

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