Month: February 2017

Stay Alert!

Father, another chance to come before you at a later time but today was a good day! Funerals are not necessarily the highlight of our days but Karen and I had the opportunity to take part in a service remembering the life of a...

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Don’t Play the Fool

Good morning, Father. I am grateful that today is a new day. Yesterday is now behind me. I give this day and myself to You. “In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:6 KJV 1 Peter 5:7...

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  Father…this has not been a very good day. Obviously, I am just getting around to writing and it is late. I have been out of it the whole day and have not really gotten much accomplished. It doesn’t help that my cousin is...

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Swollen with Pride

Lots of things clamoring for my attention this morning, Father, so struggling to sit down and get at it. I am praying for Your touch and direction for my family today – Your will be done. Amen. 1 Peter 5:5-6 (<<click here)...

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Humble Service

Goodness, gracious! My day was packed yesterday, Father, and I’m having an extremely difficult time keeping my eyes open and not keeping my mind on track but getting it on track even! Help me, Father! 1 Peter 5:1-4...

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