Dennis Ziemienski, Bucking Bronco, 2014, oil on canvas, 48 x 48″

Father, I’ve struggled the last couple of days, and this evening, I call out to You. I need Your strength and determination to keep me set apart for You. I admit I am weak. I am fallible. I have not “crashed and burned,” but even playing with fire can lead to catastrophe. I am dependent upon You, Father. Only in You can my striving for holiness be fulfilled. Praise Your Holy Name because of Your faithfulness, love, and patience!

1 Timothy 2:8 (<<click here to read the passage)

Lord, if we are to have a growing relationship, prayer must have a prominent place. If I don’t listen to You, if I don’t speak with You, I am directionless. Trying to make progress on my spiritual journey without prayer is like going on vacation out of state and not using a map, taking advantage of the benefits of a GPS, or even stopping to ask for directions! I’d never see the things I wanted to see unless I stumbled over them by plain, dumb luck.

Lord, I need You. I am dependent upon You. Only You can put all the pieces together to form the masterpiece You have in mind. But I have to listen and pay attention.

As Paul reminds me in today’s passage, I have to be careful not to obstruct my times of prayer as well. I am called to pray, but I must be “free from anger and controversy.” My mind is already too easily distracted, but add anger and controversy into the mix, and absolutely no headway is made. Unfortunately, prayer is often the last thing on my mind when something ticks me off. Lord, first of all, please help me to curtail my anger. But when I do get angry, help me see Your face and feel Your presence so that I can quickly rein it in. I would ask for You to guide me – not my anger. Amen.

(Sept 2nd, 2015, Wed, 7:02 am)
Aug 20th, 2024, Tues, 8:04 pm